Black Students of California United

BSCU Youth Leadership Information

Youth Leadership represent the student members of the Black Students of California United. Youth Students learn the issues and concerns of their constituents and report back to the Executive Board. Youth Leadership also share the positive and empowering events occurring in their areas. Youth Leadership will have a voice in planning all BSCU Leadership Forums and Conferences.

Youth Senators

2024 - 2025 Youth Senators

  • Program Outcomes
  • Program Benefits
  • Program Criteria
  • Job Description
Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes

  • Equip students with tools, skills, and information to become confident and active organizers, advocates, and changemakers within their communities.
  • Support students overcome any barriers along the way during their Senate experience.
  • Prepare students to be successful in collegiate and professional environments. 
  • Develop emotional and social intelligence.
  • Contribute positive and long-lasting contributions in one’s community.
  • Graduate High School & Pursue Professional Career or Higher Education.
Program Benefits

Benefits of the Program

  • Become Active Change Agents
  • Earn Service Learn Hours
  • Build Leadership and Character Development
  • Provides opportunities to meet key stakeholders and other professionals
  • Develop statewide network
  • Provides opportunity to strengthen professional skills
  • Provides opportunity to build resume
  • Statewide Recognition at Annual Conference

Program Criteria

Program Criteria

  • Identify as Black or African American
  • Must be a student of a member-campus, 9-12th (In good standing)
  • Be willing to learn, teach, and engage from an African-centered perspective
  • Must be nominated by BSCU Advisor
  • Must submit a campaign video
  • Must submit a Headshot (Not a selfie)
  • Must submit transcripts. Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Must commit to monthly engagements throughout the academic year
  • Must commit to 50 hours over the course of the program
  • Be interested in student advocacy, youth rights, and social justice
  • Be committed to working with other students to promote equity and justice for Black students
  • Be willing and able to discuss controversial issues sensitively and respectfully

Job Description

Job Description

  • Work with peers to advocate for programs and policies that work in the best interest of Black students.
  • Build relationships with community members and students
  • Organize Campaigns and Community Townhalls
  • Create digital advocacy and history videos that promote Black excellence
  • Develop Annual Challenges and Campaigns
  • Assist with planning our annual Student Leadership Conference in March
  • In-person advocacy opportunities 
  • Media Outreach opportunities 

BSCU 1st Community Book Drive

Congratulations to Mt. Eden High School.

  • Collected 791 Books
  • Received the Black Excellence: High School Service Award

BSCU 1st Community Book Drive

Congratulations to Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School

  • Collected 250 Books
  • Received the Black Excellence: Middle School Service Award


Reading Heart is a non-profit 501c3 organization started by Danay Ferguson at the age of 8. Over the last 3 years, Reading Heart has collected over 1 million books and distributed them to students throughout the state. She set a World Record for collecting 280,110 books in 24 hours.


Thank you for your interest in supporting our students. Every cent of your donation goes to helping students in need fulfill their potential and achieve their dreams.

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